Жития святых, патерики, прологи, минеи, фрагменты хроник, апокрифы.
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стр. 456


278.    A Dictionary of the Bible. Dealing with Its Language,
Literature and Contents. Including the Biblical Theology: In 4 v. /
Ed.: J. Hastings. Edinburgh; N.Y., 1898-1902.

279.    Aharoni Y. The Archaeology of the Land of Israel.
Philadelphia, 1979.

280.    Aharoni Y. The Horned Altar of Beer-Sheba // BA. 1974.
V. 37, â„–1. P. 2-6.

281.    Aharoni Y. The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography.
Philadelphia, 1967.

282.    Ahlstrom G. Judges 5:20 f. and History // JNES. 1977. V.

37, â„–4. P. 287-288.

283.    Ahlstrom G. Who Were the Israelites? Winona Lake, 1986.

284.    Albright W. Abram the Hebrew: A New Archaeological
Interpretation // BASOR. 1961, â„– 163. P. 36-54.

285.    Albright W. A Hebrew Letter from the Twelfth Century B.C. //
BASOR. 1939, â„– 73. P. 9-13.

286.    Albright W. An Aramaean Magical Text in Hebrew from the
Seventh Century B.C. // BASOR. 1939, â„– 76. P. 5-11.

287.Albright    W. A Reexamination of the Lachish Letters //
BASOR. 1939, â„– 73. P. 16-21.

288.    Albright W. A Votive Stele Erected by Ben-Haddad I of
Damascus to the God Melcarth // BASOR. 1942, â„– 87. P. 23-29.

289.    Albright W. From the Stone Age to Christianity. 2nd ed.
Garden City, 1957.

290.    Albright W. New Light on Early Recensions of the Hebrew
Bible // BASOR. 1955, â„– 140. P. 27-33.

291.    Albright W. The Archaeology of Palestine. Harmond-
sworth, 1960.

292.    Albright W. The Biblical Period from Abraham to Ezra: A
Historical Survey. [N.Y.], 1963.

293.    Albright W. The Chronology of the Divided Monarchy of
Israel // BASOR. 1945, â„– 99. P. 16-22.

294.    Albright W. The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim, I: The
Pottery of the First Three Campaigns // AASOR. 1932. V. 12.

295.    Albright W. TheGezer Calendar // BASOR. 1943, â„– 92. P.

296.    Albright W. The Impact of Archaeology on Biblical
Research—1966 // New Directions in Biblical Archaeology / Eds.:

D. Freedman, J. Greenfield. Garden City, 1971. P. 1-16.

297.    Albright W. The Israelite Conquest of Canaan in the Light
of Archaeology // BASOR. 1939, â„– 74. P. 11-23.

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