Жития святых, патерики, прологи, минеи, фрагменты хроник, апокрифы.
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стр. 460


355.    Dever W. Biblical Theology and Biblical Archaeology: An
Appreciation of G. Ernest Wright // HTR. 1980. V. 73, â„– 1-2. P.

356.    Dever W. Monumental Architecture in Ancient Israel in the
Period of the United Monarchy // Studies in the Period of David and
Solomon and Other Essays: Papers, read at the International
Symposium for Biblical Studies. Tokyo, 5-7 Dec., 1979 / Ed.: T.
Ishida. Winona Lake, 1982. P. 269-306.

357.    Dever W. New Vistas on the ЕВ IV («MB I») Horizon in
Syria-Palestine // BASOR. 1980, â„– 237. P. 35-64.

358.    Dever W. Retrospects and Prospects in Biblical and Syro-
Palestinian Archaeology // BA. 1982. V. 45, â„– 2. P. 103-107.

359.    Dever W. Syro-Palestinian and Biblical Archaeology // The
Hebrew Bible and Its Modern Interpreters / Eds.: D. Knight, G.
Tucker. Philadelphia, 1985. P. 31-74.

360.    Dever W. The Impact of the «New» Archaeology on Syrio-
Palestinian Archaeology // BASOR. 1981, â„– 242. P. 15-29.

361.    Dever W. The Middle Bronze Age: The Zenith of the Urban
Canaanite Era // BA. 1987. V. 50, â„– 3. P. 149-177.

362.    Dever W. et al. Gezer IV. Jerusalem, 1986.

363.    Dornemann R. The Archaeology of the Transjordan in the
Bronze and Iron Ages. Milwaukee, 1983.

364.    Egan V., Bikai P. Archaeology in Jordan // AJA. 1999. V.

103, â„– 3. P. 485-520.

365.    Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy
Land: In 4 v. / Ed.: M. Avi-Yonah. N.Y.; Jerusalem. 1975-1978.

366.    Faulkner R. Egyptian Military Standards // JEA. 1941. V.

27. P. 12-18.

367.    Finegan J. The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life
of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church. Princeton, 1969.

368.    Finkelstein I. Hazor and the North in the Iron Age: A Low
Chronology Perspective // BASOR. 1999, â„– 314. P. 55-70.

369.    Freedman D. The Relationship of Archaeology to the Bible //
BARev. 1985. V. 11, â„– 1. P. 6.

370.    Frick F. The Formation of the State in Ancient Israel.
Sheffield, 1985.

371.    Friedman R. The Tabernacle in the Temple // BA. 1980. V.

43, â„–4. P. 241-248.

372.    Fritsch Ch. The Qumran Community: Its History and
Scrolls. N.Y., 1956.

373.    Fritz V. Conquest or Settlement? The Early Iron Age in
Palestine // BA. 1987. V. 50, â„– 2. P. 84-100.

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