Жития святых, патерики, прологи, минеи, фрагменты хроник, апокрифы.
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стр. 465


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452.    Oren E. Migdol: A New Fortress on the Edge of the Eastern
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463.    Red ford D. The Ashkelon Relief at Karnak and the Israel
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465.    Renan E. Mission de Phenicie. P., 1864.

466.    Richard S. The Early Bronze Age: The Rise and Collapse of
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467.    Ronen Y. The Weight Standards of the Judean Coinage in
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468.    Rosenthal F. The Script of Ostracon No. 6043 from Ezion-
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470.    Sauer J. Syro-Palestinian Archaeology, History and
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