GIOVANNI MARITI. Travels in the Island of Cyprus
From editor’s preface: The Abbé Mariti arrived in Cyprus from Leghorn February 2, 1760, and left it on his return to Florence, October 6, 1767. His work owes little to previous writers on Cyprus: he had read Bordone, Lusignan and probably Meursius, but he relies almost entirely on his own notes of what he had seen and heard. And herein lies its value, for he is observant and conscientious. The book stands as the best account of the condition of Cyprus in the third quarter of the last (XVIII) century.
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Chapter I. A general view of the Island and Kingdom of Cyprus
Chapter II. Concerning the Port and Town of the Salines
Chapter III. Of the Ancient City of Citium, now destroyed
Chapter IV. Of the City of Larnaca
Chapter V. Excursion from the City of Larnaca to that of Nicosia
Chapter VI. Concerning the City of Nicosia, Capital of the Island and Kingdom of Cyprus
Chapter VII. Excursion from the City of Nicosia to the Town and Fortress of Cerines
Chapter VIII. The Town and Fortress of Cerines
Chapter IX. Departure from Cerines, and description of the Convent of Lapasis
Chapter X. Excursion from Lapasis to the Convent of St. Chrysostom
Chapter XI. Departure from St. Chrysostom: arrival at Citerea: description of the Village. departure thence for Famagusta
Chapter XII. The city of Famagusta and its neighbourhood
Chapter XIII. Of the ancient city of Salamina now destroyed and its neighbourhood
Chapter XIV. Departure from the neighbourhood of Salamina, and return to Larnaca
Chapter XV. Excursion from Larnaca to the Salines, the village of Citti and its neighbourhood
Chapter XVI. Journey from the village of Citti to the city of Limasol
Chapter XVII. Journey from Limasol to Paphos
Chapter XVIII. Journey from Pafo to Lapito
Chapter XIX.Of some villages and hamlets and other inland places in Cyprus
Chapter XX. Of an insurrection which occurred a short while since in the island of Cyprus
Chapter XXI. On the commerce of the island of Cyprus
Chapter XXII. Of the consuls of European sovereigns, and of their functions in the island of Cyprus, and in other ports of Syria
Chapter XXIII. Of the various officers of the consulates and their functions
Chapter XXIV. The duties of protected subjects in the Levant: and those of masters of vessels on arriving at a port
Chapter XXV. Account of the plague of a.d. 1760 in the island of Cyprus
Chapter XXVI. Sundry notes on Cyprus (Viaggio, 1787. T. II. Cap. IX.)
Chapter XXVII. Notes on the turkish mosque in Cyprus called Tekye
Chapter XXVIII. On the asp of Cyprus
Chapter XXIX. Of the site of Citium (Dissertazione istorico-critica sull’ antica Citta di Citmm, Livorno, 1787)
The sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta by Gio. Pietro Contarini and count nestor Martinengo 1572
- The siege of Nicosia.
- Report made by sign. count Nestor Martinengo of all that befell at Famagusta to the most serene prince of Venice
- Christian Captains killed at Famagusta
Names of Captains enslaved
Turkish Captains in Famagusta
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