Selected and rare materials, excerpts and observations from ancient, medieval and contemporary authors, travelers and researchers about Cyprus.
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thickly fringed with oleanders, mastic, myrtles, ari other shrubs, which formed an inspiriting change frond the weary treeless country we had left behind. Beyonl Lithrodondo are extensive vineyards ; but it was texM n and I was obliged to turn back towards Dali, fiftee| miles distant. Wherever I had been since my departure froi| Larnaca the natives had complained of the effects fever to which they are subjected during the sum months ; but they were unanimous in declaring thd] " the general sickness of the last year was exception and that the fevers were not of a dangerous nature It is well' known that upon our first occupation of I island in July, 1878, all troops, both English and India suffered to a degree that would have rendered the unfit for active service. It is true that the actu mortality was not excessive; but the strength of army must be reckoned by the effective force, and nJ by numbers. There can be no doubt that, owing to I season declared by the inhabitants to be exceptionally unhealthy, and the unfortunate necessity for a military ist occupation during the extreme heat of July and Augusj the troops being overworked, badly fed, and unproJ tected from the sun, the newly-acquired island w;ras stamped with a pestilential character, and Cypru! became a byeword as a fever-smitten failure. I shal give my personal experiences, untingéd by any prel judice. The natural features of the country produced ί sad impression upon my first arrival in a scene when the depressing influence of a barren aspect must to i certain extent affect the nervous system ; but a carefe examination of the entire surface of the island sul sequently modified my first impressions, with result which these pages will describe.

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