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Exerpta Cypria
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CL. PTOLEMAEUS. Claudios Ptolemaioe was a nativo of Upper Egypt. Hie Geographic* Hyphegesis, written in Greek about A.D. 140, is one of the chief sources of our knowledge of ancient geography. His degree (μοίρα) is taken to be 600 stadia, and la divided into 60 τμήματα. I have used the text of C. F. A. Nobbe, Leipzig, 1898. Lib. V. c. 14. The Position of Cyprus. Cyprus is surrounded on every side by the sea, and on the East by the Pamphylian sea, with an outline like this : Cape Acamas Long. 64,10 Lat. 35,30 New Paphos „ 04,20 Jl 35,20 C. Zophyrion „ 64,10 •J 35,35 Old Paphos „ 64,80 „ 35 C. Drepanon „ 64,30 11 34,50 On the South by the /Egyptian sea and the Syrian, with an outline like th Conrion city Long. 65,10 Lat. 35 Month of River Lycns ,. 65,20 It 35,10 C. Cumins ., C5.30 )) 34,45 Amatli ua „ 05,45 »I 35 Month of R. Tetios „ 66,10 M 35 Cition city „ 60,15 »1 35 C. Dades „ 06,30 » 35 Thronoi city and cape „ 66,15 I) 35 On the East by the Syrian sea, with an ontline like this: After C. Thronoi, C. Pedalion (Ainmochostos) Long. 67 Lat. 35,20 Mouth of R. Pcdiaios „ 66,50 » 35,20 Salamis „ 00,40 M 35,30 C. Elaia „ 07 1) 35,40 Ox Tail or C. Cleides „ 67,30 II a5,50 On the North by the Cilician Channel, with an outline like this : Carpasia Long. 66,50 Lat. 35,55 Achaion Acte „ 66,40 1) 35,50 Aphrodision „ 66,30 11 35,40 Macaria „ C6 >J .35,45 Ceronia or Cerannia „ 65,40 JJ 35,45 Mouth of R. Lapethos „ 05,80 >l 35,55 Lapethos city „ 65,20 » 35,55 C. Crominyon „ 05,10 if 36,10 Soloi „ 65 M 80 C. Callinnsa >• 64,40 » tt,50 Arsinoe » 64,40 35,35 The Eastern parts of the island fall into the Salaminian province. The Western into the Paphian. The Southern side of the middle portion into the Amathusian, with the mount Olympus. And the Northern into the Lapethian. 4 EXCERPTA CYPRIA.

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