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Exerpta Cypria
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PAKUTA. IUI to part either with their men, or with their Captain; ami Baglione making use of their authority, desired to be excused for that time : adding that IIartinengo's souldiers, having lost their Commander, said absolutely that they wonld render obedience to none but to him; BO as his coining away might cause some great disorder in that City. There were then in Nicossia 10000 foot for her defence, whereof 1500 were Italians, and all the rest inhabitants of the Island, to wit, 3000 of the common sort, 2500 of the City, 2000 newly lifted into the Militia, taken out of the country houses, and paid partly out of the Exchequer, partly out of private mens purses, and 1000 Nicossian gentlemen : these were almost all new men unexperienced, and not over-well armed, in so much as many wanting Pikes and Muskets were forced to use Bills and Halberts. But the City was very well provided of artillery, nor were there wanting such as knew how to manage them; they had likewise great store of Pioners, to make use of upon any occasion : for, to boot with 4000 listed under Jovan Sosomeno, they had taken in above 4000 more fit for such imploymonts. Yet amidst so many men, and so much ground, the commanders not agreeing in the manner how to order their in works, this so necessary provision was left imperfect. By these disorders these forces were weakened, which were certainly too few to resist so puissant an army of the enemies; wherein, on the contrary, great observancy, and reverence was given to the commanders, and all military actions, being severely ordered, were with strange readinesse observed. Mustafa's authority, who was a bold and warlike personage, as also his reputation by the fame which he had won by fighting in Selino's army before he was empereur, against his brother Ahmed ; the unhoped for victory which was then gotten being attributed to his forward valour. The souldiers, who were accustomed to the duties of war, to labour and hardships, grew much more hardy, by the opinion they had of their captain's worth and by the hopes of great reward which was promised them upon getting the victory. There were, as hath been said, a great number of men in the army, the chiefe foundation whereof consisted in 6000 Janisarie*, and 4000 Spacchi, (these are souldiers who are kept in continuali pay, to serve on horse-back, and upon occasion, do serve with others on foot) valiant men, and brought up in war, Therefore the more Immane foresight had been wanting to provide against such forces, the more did they apply themselves to beg assistance from (rod. Solemn processions were daily made throughout the City, which were done the more frequently, and with the more devotion, by the example and exhortation of Francisco Contarmi, Bishop of Baffo, in whom episcopali dignity became more honourable and reverend by the ancient nobility, and by the riches of his family, and by his own goodness and worth. He being the prime ecclesia stick person, (for Philippo Mocenico, Arch-bishop of Nicossia, was then at Venice) was not wanting in performing such duties to those people which they could have expected from their own pastour. The chief of the City being one day assembled in the church of Santa Sophia, where were also many men of all conditions, he spoke thus unto them. " If I shall look upon the gimtnesse of the present dangers, I cannot but much "apprehend the common safety; and as doubting the issue, and with a submisse mind, "yield to adverse fortune. And if on the other side, I think upon your worth, magnanimity, " fortitnde, and constancy, I finde a certain warmth arise within me, which encourageth me " to hope for better things. But if I raise myself from these more lowly cogitations, to the "consideration of divine providenee and goodnesse, my first fear is nut onely allayed, but is ,( changed into an assured hope : For when I observe the truth better, Τ know that hard and "difficult things become easye, to such as are valiant; and even impossibilities to faithful! 11 Christians, are made facile. Therefore if yon be not wanting in your antient and known " worth, and if yon continue constant and stedfast in that faith, which, together with your

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