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Exerpta Cypria
page 137

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All these companies were raised in Nicosia; bnt the Government, fearing their numbers insufficient, made a levy, and among trained and untrained citizens enrolled a thousand more recruits. They had neither muskets nor swords to give them, no arquebuses, no defensive armour. Nine hundred field pieces were cither sent to the villagers in the hills, or posted at the beginning of the siege on the walls: but they remained unserviceable because the soldiers had never been trained to use them. In the armoury were only a thousand and forty arquebuses, which anyone took who could. Many of the soldiers were brave enough, but many had so little training that they could not fire their muskets without burning their beards. Most of them were artizans, without means, who received no pay, nor while under arms were able to earn anything. They were pining with hunger, and loud in murmure and curses. Of men like these two thousand six hundred were told off to garrison the city. The councillors and nobles were divided into two bands under two excellent captains. One was Febo Zappe, a noble, to whom was assigned the charge of the Podochatoro bastion, which he defended stoutly until killed by a cannon shot. His company was then given to his brother Signor Arti ns Zappa, who held his post against all coiners, and WAS the last man killed in the last assault. I saw his body furrowed with every sort of wound, bnt to his last breath he guarded his honour and hit country. Seven hundred and fifty men were with him, and seven hundred and fifty in the other company of gentlemen citizens and their servants, with which. Ugo Flatro manned the Constanzo bastion. Thus these two companies mustered fifteen hundred men. The captains of the Cemide, Italians and Cypriote, with seven hundred and fifty men. Gabriel de Bergamo Battista Annibal Zangravi Gioan Angelo Giacomo Zacharia, a Cypriot noble Zuan Muscorno, a Cypriot noble Urban de' Vitaldi Captains of the ordinary militia of the towns of Cyprus, recalled to Nicosia with their companies. Captain M » Cieco da Perosa of the militia of Chitina ... 300 Gioan Andrea da Spello Nisn 800 Batista delli Preti La catamia 300 Zaneto Dandolo » Lapithos iKW Antonio Geòrgie J) Salines ... 300 Thoinaso de Grazn Î1 Afdimu ... 300 Annibal Albanese « Cmsocho 300 Giuliano da Venetia M Peristerona 300 Borgogno de ALruzo „ Limisso ... 300 Paolo Vicentino Lefca 300 Hieronimo da Sascil Paffo 300 The other captains of the militia of the towns in the island, with their companies, went to Famagosta, according to the orders given when they were embodied. CALEPIO. 129

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