Selected and rare materials, excerpts and observations from ancient, medieval and contemporary authors, travelers and researchers about Cyprus.
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Exerpta Cypria
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Cyprus, to the harbour of Faphos. The ship, however, driven by n strong and mighty wind, was broken up, bnt the saints, by the grace of God, were all saved unhurt, and were scattered over all the island of Cyprus. But S. Constantine, with three others, came to a place called Trachias, and they wulked after the pattern of the Apostles, a'd preached that Christ was true God. And when the rnler of Cyprns, Sabiuus by name, heard this, lie set the men before him, and examined them, and they confessed that Christ was true God. And when they denied it not, they were beaten with raw ox-hides, and thrown into prison. And on the morrow he ordered them to be brought before him, and again the}- would net consent to sacrifice to a strange god, and he ordered them to be hanged with their heads downwards, and their flesh to be toni off them, so that the ground was red with their blood. Then they were stretched on iron plates made hot with lire ; and for all this by the grace of Christ the Life-giver they remained unhurt And yet «gain they nailed their feet with nails, and compelled thein to run qnickly. Then they were east into prison. And after some days had passed, at the command of the ruler they led them to the judgment seat, and he examined them strictly, and finding them unshaken, and even firmer than ever iu the Christian faith, lie gave the order, and they beheaded thein. But certain devout Christians took by night the bodies of the saints and buried thein reverently in a village called Ormidia. And after many years their holy remains were discovered, as a stream rich in numberless cures, so that daily they worked endless miracles, and healed many kinds of sickness and hurt, and the deaf received instant enre by the power of the holy relics. Moreover the then rnler of Cyprus, being afflicted with dysentery and deafness, went in faith to the relics of the saints, and, lo, what a miracle ! at once he received his cure, and glorified them who glorified Him, and hod shed their blood for Him. And this ruler, after he had been cured from both sicknesses, his dysentery and his deafness, built from the foundations a large church, in the name of S. Constantine the wonder-worker, as his tomb testifies, which is on the right hand of the Holy Table of the church, to the glory and praise of onr Ijord aud God, aud onr Savionr Jesns Christ. Moreover know ye, pious Christians, that as many sick as approach with great aud true devotion are healed of every kind of sickness, through the intercession and prayers of the holy and glorious martyr Constantine. By whose holy intercession have mercy npon us, Ο God, and save ns. Amen. September 17. Commemoration of our saintly father UEHACLEIDIOS, Bishop of Tamasns, the wonder-worker. A sacrifice was offered on Thy Table, Ο Word, The aacrifloer Heracleidios. slain by the sword. On the seventeenth fate snatched away Heracleidios. This man was a Cypriot by race, the sou of a certain priest of the Hellenes, called Hierocleos; and when those archers of the truth, Barnabas and Murk, together- with Paul, came at last to Cyprus, they began to preach the saving word of righteonsness without hesitation or fear, wandering from place to place. And so doiug they reached Solea, and in a certain village called Lauipatiston they found this Hierocleos going round and inviting strangers to feast with him, for he was given to hospitality. And as hie custom was, Hierocleos imites them, aud they accept not, nor deign to eat with him who was priest of an idol shrine. They desire only to learn from him the way which they sought. Bnt Hierocleos with kindly thought sent his son Heracleidios to show them the way: for the place was hard to pass. Heracleidios did this cheerfully, end as he walked with the apostles began to talk with them by the way about the education and religion of Greeks. Bnt these wise followers SYXAXARIA.

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