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Exerpta Cypria
page 353

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HUME. SESTINI. BROWNE. 343 Syacintkus hotroides. Lawsonia spinosa, cultivated in gardens. Henna. Melia azederach. λουλούδια. Opuntia. Ficus indiica. Cistus salvifolius and creticus, from the latter is gathered Ladanuni. Anemone pratensis, in flower. Hedysarum tragaçant Jw,. Poterium spinosum. Ricinus communis. Oil is occasionally extracted from the fruit. Moviordica elateriurn. Pistacia lentiscits. Oil is extracted as in Sicily, σχοΐνος. Poptdus alba. ;e=- Jnnipents sabina. Atriplex halimus. Ceratonia siliqua, abundant in the island, especially about Mari. A considerable trade is done in the pods of this tree called in Italian Garube or Carubbe. rcpamul. Phœnix daetylìfera. E. (End of August, 1802.) I embarked in a small boat with several passengers for Larneka in Cyprus, which in Turkish is called Tûsla from the adjacent salt works— On the morning of the seventh day from our departure we landed at Larneka. The heat of this part of Cyprus is very intense; and the north-east wind, which is said to be the most hot. and oppressive, blew at the time of my arrival. Caleshes, in other places used as a luxury, are here almost necessary; for though the town be but at a small distance from the sea, yet exposure to the rays of the sun in passing thither is seldom hazarded with impunity. Agues and complaints of the eyes are common, and none of the natives have the appearance of robust health. The bread made in private houses in Cyprus is unequalled, except perhaps by that which is prepared for the table of the Sultan at Constantinople. It is composed of what is called fiore di farina. The flour is divided into three parts to obtain the kind which is proper for manipulation. The first separated is the coarse and husky part : the next, the white impalpable powder: after which operation remains the fiore di farina, which is neither very finely pulverized, nor remarkably white, and is by far the smallest quantity of the whole mass. This is found to contain the purest part of the wheat, and to make the finest bread.

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