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Exerpta Cypria
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kinds 20,000p. worth. Chests and wardrobes of Venetian work, 3000 p. Headkevchiefs of all kinds, about 20,000 p. Silk stuffs of all kinds, 50,000 p. Nails, 15,000 p. Venetian sequins to the value of 30,000 p. are paid on bills of exchange and orders on Constantinople. 'Hie so-called business with Tuscany is carried on by merchants of all European countries, and by some Greeks in the island. It is inconsiderable in proportion to the exports from Cyprus, which are mostly carried on Ragusan vessels. During the peace between England and France it revived a little. Two brigs sailed under the Imperial flag up to the breaking out of the last Turkish war. Cotton, silk, wool, oolocyntli, madder, storax in cakes, go to Leghorn, and are bought chiefly with bills on Constantinople. English business consisted in silk, in exchange for which a few English articles were introduced : but since the increase of duty on silk in England, and the increased price in Cyprus, the writer lias not dared to speculate jn it. The war also between the Porte and the Empires on its borders caused great losses. Only a little colocynth and storax goes to England. The finer class of cotton is still at too high a rate for the English market, and one would not be wise to meddle with it. The sixteen Districts of Cyprus are:— Nicosia—here is the capital : it has manufactures, aud produces wheat and barley. Cerigna—here are the old harbour and fort of that naine. Citherea—produces fine white silk and some oil : and has 32 water-mills for grinding corn. Lapitho—has the best cotton and oil. Morfu or Omorfo—cotton, wheat and barley. Poli of Chrissofu—cotton, wool, pitch, tar. Baffo or Paphos—yellow silk and cotton. Afdimo—tobacco, silk and cotton. Cuclia—excellent cotton, wheat and capers. Kilan—wine, bad silk, for sieves aud some common handkerchiefs. Limasol—salt, wine, brandy, and carobs (a kind of S. John's bread). Larnaca or Lamica—salt, wheat, barley, capers and a few dates. Famagusta and Carpas—silk, garden produce, hardwood for export and for building peasants' dwellings. M cesarea, the great plain of the island—cotton, wheat, barley, capers and a few dates. Orini—wine (commanderia), garden produce, and good hams. Marathos—fine cotton, wine, fruit. M. DB VEZIN. 373

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