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Exerpta Cypria
page 491 View PDF version of this page ΝΟΤΕ
I have attempted to register in these payes the titles of alt tmoks treating of Cyprus, its people, history, numismatics, epigraphy and language, of which I hare found any trace. I have included the papers most important to antiquaries and linguiste whieh have appeared in Magazines or in the Tru it Miction s of learned Societies : also the few books print&l In the island between ISSO and 1887. I have added lists of local newspapers, of Maps, of Consular Reports and Parliamentary Papers, and of the fugitive pieces which retarti a controversy, not yet extinguished, concemmg the "transformations and migrations" of Cypriot antiquities purchased from Signor L. P. di Cesnola by the Metropolitan Museum of Art at NeiC York.
Tlie " Book Lair," ΛΌ. II. of 1887, has been hi force in the island since July 1,1887, and lists of books which have issued ainee that date from Cypriot presses may be found iu the " Cyprns Gazettes," Nos. 304, 334, SOI, SUS, 439, 464, Sil, S8S, 582, GIS, 658, 700, 730, 750t 777, 8I4, 844, aud 90H.
I could have added largely to the bulk, but probably little to the value, of the list by including more of the ephemeral articles which will readily be found in the Indexes to Periodical Literature by Poole, Griswotd, Miliaraki (χαΑΧηνικ*) γ*ωγραφικ
) φιλολογία, irò, Athens, 1889) and others. Reference should be made to a paper by Prof. Dr Eugen Obcrhuminer (reprinted in 180$ by S. Calvary, at Berlin, from the "Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft" Baud 77 {entitled "Berieht über Geographie von Griechenland, πι, Teil, KYPROS" : to another by the same indefatigable scholar in M Geog. Jahrbuch," xxvm. 187—9, and to § xrv. Literatur,pp. 463—470 of his invaluable work "Die Inseln Cyprm" Miinvhen, 190$. See also the " Bibliogruplite," pp. .VJIV.—XAWU. in Etilati, "L'art gothique, etc.," vol. 1., 1809.
Much, NO doubt, remains to be gleaned by anyone who wilt search diligently the icorks of writers bet went the first and seventeenth centuries, enumerated by M. de Mas Latrie in his "Pèlerinages, Itinéraires et Descriptions de la Terre-Sainte" (Trésor de Chronologie, ISSO, C. 1331—1332), and by R, ROhricltt, " Deutsche Pltyerreiscn nach den Heiligen Lande," Gotha, 1880.
IVhen the list was first circulated in June 1886, it contained 153 titles. Tite edition of 1889 contained 800 ; that of 1894, iW, und neir sections of Cartography and Consular Reports : that of 1900, 738 ; the present, S60.
I have done, I think, all I can for this little compilation. I reserve no rights in it, and sitati be glad to see it corrected, extended and improved in any country by any Society or seholar interested in the subject. It were a counsel of perfection to suggest that the first section might be divided and re-arranged according to the subject-matter of the books enumerated.
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