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CHARLES G. ADDISON, ESQ. The history of the Knights Templars, Temple Church, and the Temple


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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The history of the Knights Templars, Temple Church, and the Temple
page 215

confess the truth, but if not, you are to acquaint them that they will be condemned to death."* As soon as Philip had issued these orders, he wrote to the principal sovereigns of Europe, urging them to follow his example,f and sent a confidential agent, named Bernard Peletin, with a letter to the young king, Edward the Second, who had just then ascended the throne of England, representing in frightful colours the pretended sins of the Templars. On the 22nd of September, king Edward replied to this letter, observing that he had considered of the matters mentioned therein,«and had listened to the statements of that discreet man, Master Bernard Peletin j that he had caused the latter to unfold the charges before himself, and many prelates, earls, and barons of his kingdom, and others of his council ; but that they appeared so astonishing as to be beyond belief; that such abominable and execrable deeds had never before been heard of by the king and the aforesaid prelates, earls, and barons, and it was therefore hardly to be expected that an easy credence could be given to them. The English monarch, however, informs king Philip that by the advice of his council he had ordered the seneschal of Agen, from whose lips the rumours were said to have proceeded, to be summoned to his presence, that through him he might be further informed concerning the premises ; and he states that at the fitting time, after due inquiry, he will take such steps as will redound to the praise of God, and the honour and preservation of the catholic faith.}; On the night of the 13th of October, all the Templars in the French dominions were simultaneously arrested. Monks were appointed to preach against them in the public places of Paris, * Hist, de la Condemnation dee Templiers.—LMtpuy, torn. U. p. 309. t Mariana Hnpan. Xllustr. torn. lii. p, 152. Le Gendre Hist, de France, torn. ti. p. 9ii. ; Acta Rt/meri, torn. iii. p. 18. ad ann. 1307.

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