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M.Besant E.Walter
Jerusalem, the city of Herod and Saladin


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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M.Besant E.Walter
Jerusalem, the city of Herod and Saladin
page 285

hateful as a Jew must always he to a Christian, the way pointed out by Heaven. The preaching of Bernard was seconded by the exhortations of the poets, who united in singing the praises of those who take the Cross, and in denouncing those who refused. " Bise," says one bard, " Rise, ye who love with loyal heart ; Awake, nor sleep the hours away : Now doth the darksome night depart, And now the lark leads in the day : Hear how he sings with joyous strain The morn of peace which God doth give To those who heed nor scathe nor pain : Who dare in peril still to live ; Who, night or day, no rest may take, And bear the Cross for Christ's own sake." The Crusade consisted wholly of Germans and French. The former went first, headed by Conrad, King of the Bomans, who left his son Henry in charge of his dominions. They got through the Greek emperor's dominions with some difficulty, being unruly and little amenable to discipline, but were at last safely conveyed across the straits to Asia Minor, where they waited the arrival of King Louis. In France an enormous army had been collected, by help of the old cry of " Dieu le veut," the magic of which had not yet died out; there must have been men, not very old, who remembered the preaching of Peter, and the frantic cries with which the Cross was demanded after one of his fiery harangues. Bernard wrote to the pope, with monkish exaggeration, that " the villages and the castles are deserted, and one sees none but widows and orphans whose husbands and fathers are yet living." Most of them, alas ! were to remain widows and orphans indeed, for the husbands and fathers were never destined to return. And, as in the First Crusade, many of those who joined ruined themselves in procuring the arms and money necessary

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