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BLOSS C.A. Heroines of the Crusades


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Heroines of the Crusades
page 59

without the gates of Winchester; when thou takest pos-session of thy benefice, as soon as may be, thou wilt give him Christian burial, in the church-yard of Croyland, and cause daily masses to be said for his soul." Ingulfus readily promised compliance. Adela still lingered. "The lovely Maude goes with thee to England. Thou wilt be compelled to marry lier to Simon. Soften, as much as possible, her hard fate, and watch over her interests, and comfort her with thy coun-sels." " It shall be done," said Ingulfus, fervently. " Father, I would confess." And the young countess, in all her beauty and pride, knelt at the feet of the venerable man, and with the sim-plicity of a child, poured out her soul before him. As Adela had predicted, the Conqueror, on Iiis return to England, took with him Maude, as the bride of Simon. Robert sailed, also, in the same vessel, being commissioned by the king to establish Simon, now Earl of Huntingdon, in his new possessions. "William, too, accompanied his father, for he, more than any of the sons, comprehended the policy, and partook of the spirit of the Conqueror. The remaining years of the Queen Duchess Matilda, were passed in splendid solitude, in the royal palace at Bayeux. The early death of the princess Adeliza, the failing health of Constance, together with fresh dissensions in her family, pressed heavily upon her mind, and oc-casioned the lingering illness that slowly conducted her to the tomb. The loss of his beloved queen, and the undutifnl con-duct of his sons, aggravated the natural irritability and imperiousness of William, so that according to the English chroniclers, " He became, after her death, a thorough tyrant." He passed the four remaining years of his life in a constant succession of petty annoyances, and fruitless wars, with Philip of France. HEROINES OF THE CRUSADES.

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