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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 75
Sir Prank van Halle alked the befieged if they were willing to furrender, becaufe they might delay it until it was too late. Upon this, they demanded a truce to confidcr of it, which being granted them, after fome little time fpent in. counfel, they all fet %out for Monfac,* in the French intereft, but took nothing with them. The earl of Derby appointed a fquire, called Aymon Lyon, governor of the caftle of Langon,f and gave him thirty archers.
The earl of Derby then rode on towards a town called Le Lac ; but the townfmen came out to meet him, brought him the keys of the town, and fwore homage and fealty to him. The earl palfed on, and came to Mandarant, which he took by ftorm : after he had placed a garrîfon in the fortrefs, ha came before the caftle of Montgis, won it in the fame manner, and fent the governor prifoner to JBourdeaux. He afterwards advanced to Punacb, which he took, and did the fame to the town and caftle of Lieux,| where he ftaid three days, to re-frefh himfelf and army. On the fourth day, he parched to Forfatb,§ which he gained eafily enough, and then the town of Pondaire. He next came to a town of confiderable fize, called Beau-mont en Laillois, which was a dependency on the count de Lille. The earl was three days before it, and many vigorous attacks were made ; for it was
* A town in Perigord, diocefe of Sarlat.
f Barnes calls him an English fquire, Timothy Lyon ; but I fee no authority for it. I In Gafcony, diocefe of Comminges. § Fronfacf—upon the Dordogne, fix leagues from Bourdeaux* 3 ' we//
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