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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 397
I will now name feme of thofe lords of France who went into Scotland. First, fir John de Vienne, admiral of France, the count de Grand-pré, the lords de Verdenay, de Sainte Croix, the lord de Montbury, fir Geoffry de Charny, fir William de Vienne, fir James de Vienne, lord d'Efpaigny, fir Girard de Bour-bonne, the lord de Hetz, fir Florimont de Quiffy, the lord de Marnel, fir Valeran de Ray-. neval,. the lord de Beaufang^, the lord de Wain-brain, the lord de Rinolle, baron d'Yury, the lord de Coucy, fir Perceval d'Ameual, the lord de Ferrieres, the lord de _ Fontaines, fir Brae-quet de Braquemont, the lord de Grandcourt, the lord de Landon, a Breton, fir Guy la Per-fonne, fir William, de Courroux, fir John de Hangiers*. fir Bery de Virifelin, coufin to the grand master of Prufiia, and many other good knights whom I. cannot name : there were • a thoufand lances, knights . and fquires, with-. Out reckoning the crofs-bows and sturdy var-lets. • .
' • They had favourable winds and a good voy^ age^ for the weather was very fine, as it ufually is in the month, of May. The truces had expired between the French and Englifh, the Ghent men and the Flemings, and in all other parts. War was fought for, as it feemed, in every, quarter ; and thofe knights and fquires who went to Scotland gallantly wilhed for it, as they fipd, with the afiistance of the Scots they would make a good campaign, and carry on a fuccefsful war against England. However, the
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