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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.7
page 237
gate* where we found no other guard but a cob* l$r, who was mending fhoqs. One of us found-ed his horn, as a notice for the ambufcade to ad-vance. The cobler, who had not paid any at-tention to us, on hearing the horn, cried out, f Hola I who is it that has blown the horn ?9 We anfwered, c It is a prieft who is going into the country; I know not whether he be the curate or chaplaip of the town/ ' That is true/ replied ke: it is fir Francis, our prieft, who likes to go early to the fields |n fearch of hares/ Our com-panions foon joined us, when we entered the town and found no one prepared to defend it. Thus did I gain the town and caftle of Thurie, which has been to me of greater profit and more annual revenue than this caftle and all its de-pendencies $re worth. At this moment, I know, pot how to act; for I am in treaty with the -count df Armagnac and the dauphin d'Auvergne, If ho have been exprefsly commifiioned by the king of France to buy all towns mà caftles from Ihe captains of the free companies, wherever they may be, in Auvergne, Rouergue, Limoufin, Agen,. Quercy, Perigord, Albigeois, and from ail thofe who have made war under the name of the king of England, Several have fold their forts,, and gone away; and I am doubtful whether or not to fell mine.'.—Upon this, the bourg de Copake faid,-r- Coufin, what you fay is true ; ferXaifi have had intelligence finoe my arrival at Orthès, from Carlat# which! hold in Auvergne, that, the lqrd Louis de §ancepre, marihal of finance, will foon be here : he is now incognito
Q3 at
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