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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 153
lliifi llf e«f Af-wliiic ff fit dpclf tff jâi|tJcikf, with all its dcpendftpcîev excepting t&e fa®magfs which m the foie thing he h^s referred for the .crown of England in time* to come. ' This gift has gone through every legal form, with die ap-probation axd confent of his other uncles and J^e Englifh parliament. The king has fperibJly com-manded all- his fubje&s within the boundaries qf Aquitaine, to obey pun&ually his well-beloved uncle the duke of Lancier as their foveieign lord, and to pay him homage and fervice, in die ufual manner, as they have done to their lords in fbnnçr times. Should any prove rebellious to - thefe or-ders, the king gives the duke of Lancafter full powers to punifh fuch within three days after their difobedience, without any expè&ation of fypport from him*
c It has happened, however, that notwithftand-ing thefe ilrift prders of the king, the barons, knights, gentlemea, cities and towns of Gafcony, under the obedience of England, have united to? gether in oppofition to the duke of Lancafter, mi jxfufe to obey him, declaring and maintaining chat the gift the king made his uncle of Lançaftef is null and void. The duke, who is defirous of ailing in this bufinds by fair meaas, has Iftenci to their reafonings on the fîjbjejft, and advifed, to prevent further mifchicf, that they flamùfl {cni hither properly-inftruéted perfon? to lay their com-plaints before the king, and declare their reaiims for having .oppofed his orders .
¥*L. XL L " * They
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