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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 188
part that related to Robert the hermit, he faid* he lhould be glad to fee and hear this Robert ; for he was inclined to believe that what he faid had hap-pened to him, might be true. He wrote back to the duke of Lancafter and the earl of Salifbury, to prefs them to exert themfelves, that a firm peace lhbuld be eftablifhed between him, the king of France and his allies j for, as Robert the hermit had fiyd, the wars had laftcd too long, and it was full rime to* hit upon fome means to procure peace. . •
I have before related the whole of this matter ; and that as nothing was concluded, in, regard to a peace, a truce had been agreed on by the com-miffioners on each fide, before they feparatcd, between the two kingdoms and their allies, to laft for four years, while, in the mean time, they would ftudy to promote a' lading peace. Such were the intentions of the Englifh commiffioners, with the exception of the duke of Glocefter ; for he was refolved, on his return to England, to oppofe any peace with France ; but he diffembled then his real fentiments, to pleafe the king and his brother of Lancafter. Thus did I become acquainted with what pafled relative to Robert the hermit. # Shortly after the return of the earl of Rutland, the earl marfhal, the archbifhop of Dublin, fir Hygh Defpencer, fir Lewis Clifford, and thofe who had been attached to the embafTy to. Frapce, bringing with them friendly anfwers relative to the marriage, the parliament affembled at Weft-minfter. Th'efe, parliaments laft ufually four days,
• • when
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