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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 257
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ik flower of tbtir chivalry* -fck&ed from tier own feel thofe of the greateft ability, and who hspj been longeft trained to arms ; fo that their ar-mament was riot foon ready to marchi nor their purveyances prepared.
It was the intention of Bajazet to raife a force fuffieient to withftand the Chriftians : he there-fore began his. march towards Turkey, followed by large companies from various parts. Tartary, Perfia and Media, fent him many valiant Sara-cens, who were impatient for the combat, and to try their force againft the Chriftians.
We will now Jjeave Bajazet, and return to the Chriftians who were befieging the ftrong city of Nicopall . .
The garrifon was very numerous, and'defended the place* valiantly againft the attacks of their enemies* bit éjgprefibd themfclves much furprifed that they heard nothing of Bajazet. The em-peror, of Conftantinôple had indeed written to fay, that he was ftill in the country about Alex-andria.
The befieging army lay before Nicopoli, hav^ ing provifion in abundance which came to them from Hungary and the fyrrourtding countries. Puriug the fteget the. lord d* Coucy and fo«e other French kàig^ts took a* fancy to make an ex-jpcditkm :ftrtb«;r into Turkey, for they were tmi of remaining fo long inactive, while the king of Hungary ihould continue his approaches to thf town. The lord de Coucy,. a$ commader in fUtff left the camp with abgut &*c hundred
. lances
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