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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.12
page 217
" ; B.
Bacon, a robber in Languedoc, takes the caftle of Cobourne, in Limofin, and does other mif-chicf, IL 235.
Bailleul, fir William de, defeated in a flcirmifh at Pont a Treffin, L 230.
Bajazet, the fulfan, * raifes a large force to oppofe the king of Hungary and John of Bur-gundy, who had invadefl Turkey, XL 248. —Marches for Nicopoli, 293.—Defeats the, combined Chriftian armies with great daughter, 297.—Puts his prifoners, with very few exceptions, to death,. 307.— Difbands his army, 319.—A lingular in-ftance of his juftice, 378.
Bally John, a refraftory prieft, excites the peo-ple of Kent to rebellion, V. 333.—Enters London at their head, 347.—Taken and beheaded, 364..
Balon, the caftle of, in Auvergne, taken byAmc-rigot Marcel, V. 78.
Barfitur, the town of, in Normandy, taken by ' -Edward the Third, II.-127.
Barres, fir Barrois de, (with other French knights) goes to the affiftance of the king of Caftille, VIIL 7.—Enters Corunna to defend it
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