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THOMAS JOHNES, ESQ. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart



Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 154

Ml Imprimer le dernier lour dfOâobre Mil cinq cens et dix fept, Poor* Galliot du Pré, librayre demourant fur le pont noftre Dame, A • l'enfeignede la Gallee, ayant en la grand falle du Palays * au fécond pillier ;# - • • On the laft leaf, this %n is reprefentod, -with the fuperfiariptioe,— VOGUE LA G ALLÉE, underneath GALLIOT, DV. PRE. - The text of the fécond volume begins thus: ' Cy commence ie deuxiefme • libre de la mer des hiftoires et croniques de France. Et premier de la • généalogie de l'empereur - Charles le grand.' The» firft divifion, of 156 •' leaves, concludes with the hiftory of'Louis-VII. The fécond begins on -116 frefh-numbered leaves, with die hiftory of Philip IL with the furname • Dieu-donné, and concludes with the death of the queen Margaret, confort • of the king Louis of Navarre. • Leaf 110, and forwards, a good deal occurs concerning rooting out She knights-templars. • At the end, Hands: • Cy finift le fécond volume tie la mer derhyftôires et croniqoes de France^. ouquel font contenus les faits et geftes de plufieurs roys de France, . et plnfieun incidences.» Imprimé nouudlement a Paris. L'an mil . cinq. cens. xvii. le xxix. iour d'OétôBre. Pur Michel le Noir libraire * iuré en l'uniuerfite de Paris, demourant en la rue fainét lacques » à l'enfeignede la rafe blanche couronnée.. Under it the arms-of this Printer, with the ••motto, •c Ceft mon defir de 4 Dieu ferrir pour acquérir fon boa plaifir.'. The third volume commences wkh the hiftory of king Louis -X. What : now (lands on leaf 17» 173. is Froiflarfs text, moftly verbatim, as Sauvage has given it, vol. i. p. 3, 205. cap. 4. 176. From thefe, however, the following deviates from Froiflart remarkably, and it is all more briefly conceived. This volume concludes with die death of king John the good, 1364. At the .end Hands only.: -

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