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THOMAS JOHNES, ESQ. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart



Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 170

Angle, 'fir Guifcard d\ Appointed ourfhal of Guiennc, I. 597.—Travels through "France to Acquitaine in difguife, 791.—Created a knight of the garter, II, 98.—Captured by the Spaniards before La Rochelle, IQ4—Ranfbmed, 163.—Appointed tutor to Richard the Second» 180.—Dies in London. IL 369. Angoutfme, the town of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 277.—By the duke of Normandy, 293*—Surrenders a fecond time to the French, II. 122. Anjou, the duke of, fent to the ALLIANCE of the Bretons in the intereft of the lord Charles of Blois, I. 661.—Summons his vafials to make war on the prince of Wales in Acquirable, 795«—Heads an army againft Guienne, II. 44.—Breaks up his expedition, II. 59^-Leads . an army into Upper Gafcony, 159^—Takes the town of Lourde, 160 et fcq.—-Makes a truce with the duke of Lancafter, 169.—Takes feveral places in Upper Gafcooy, 170.— Undertakes an expedition againft the Englifh in the Bourdelois, 193.—Takes the town of Bergerac, 196.—Takes feveral other places in Gafcony, 202 et feq.—Returns to Touloufe, 911.—Colleâs another ARMY againft the Englifh in Gafcony, 944.—Makes WAR on Brit-tanny, 299*-—Receives the territories of the queen of Naples as a gift from pope Clement, 305.—Seizes the jewels of his brother king Charles the Fifth, 390.~^Seises the govern-ment of France as regent during the minority of Charles the Sixth, 391,-^Makes prepa-' rations to march for Naples, 504.—Sets out for Italy, 516.--Enters Naples, ji6.—Dies at a caftle near Naples, 730.—Takes Malvoifin, III. ioo*.—Befieges Lourde, but being unable to take the caftle, he burns the town and retreats, 112. Anjou, madame d\ queen of Naples, advifed on the death of her hufband, the duke of Anjouj to folicit the pope for pofleffion of Provence, III. 1.—Urges ber claims to this country, 3.— Makes her public entry into Paris in company with HER fon Lewis of Anjou, king of Sicily, 624.—Inftitutes a law-fuit in the courts of Paris againft fir Peter Craon, IV. 4J7*—«Ob-tains judgment againft him, 469. Anjou, Lewis of, fon of the duke of Anjou, makes his public entry into Paris as king of Sicily, &c. III. 624—Sets out from Avignon to Arragon, IV. 88.—Marries the daughter of the king of Arragon, and embarks with his young bride for Sicily, 89« • IT may not be improper to obferve here, once for all, upon a circumftance wbich will doubtlafs excite the furprife of the reader, that in this iaftance, AT well AS feveral others in different parti of the Index, events ARE inferred fnbfequently to THE account of THE DEATH of the AGENT* TMT hat ARIFEN unavoidaUy fraan the MMNER in which Froiflart compofed bis hiftory, AND from new and additional «formation continu, nicated to him many years after he had completed tbe former part of his work, and had mentioned tha death of the peifon to whom foch information related. Bqt it was confidered that it would hare been a vain and fhiitleû attempt to re&ify this imperfection} it hat, therefore, been deemed advifeble to leave things AS they WERE found, and to infert the EVENTS felected FOR THE Index in THE màm mà-mmêm m which they appear noticed by the Author himfelf. R. Z 9 Amm9 INDEX. 167

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