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THOMAS JOHNES, ESQ. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart



Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 214

prince of Wales previous to the battle of Poitiers, L 42^.—Makes peace between the duke of Normandy and the king of Navarre, $16, Perigord, the earl of, defeats the high fteward of Rouergé, I. 786.—Befieges Realville, 812. Perth, the town of, deftroyed by Richard the Second, III. 46. Peterson, John, admiral of the Flemish fleet, defeated and captured by the Englifh off the ifland of Bas, IL 91. Su Pbagon, the town of, in Spain, pillaged by fome Breton foldiers, III. 525. Philip, lord, of Burgundy, killed before Aiguillon, I. 333. Philip of Valois, chofen king of France, to tbe exclufion of Ifabella, queen of England, 1.6.52. —-Makes war on the Flemings, 53.—Banifhes Robert d'Artois from France, 62.—Puts on the crofs,#71 .—Enters into an alliance with the king of Scotland, 88.—Receives a]defiance from the king of England, 91.—Leads an army to oppofe his forces, 100.—Deftroys the territories of fir John of Hainault, 113,—Invades Flanders, 122.—Sends forces into Scot-' land to affift the Scots againft the Englifh, 150.—Aflèmbles a large army to raise the fiege , of Tournay, 153.«—Enters into a truce with the king of England, 170.—Affiftsthe lord Charles of Blois to recover the duchy of Brittany from the earl of Montfort, 184.—AfTembles an army to oppofe the earl of Derby in Gafcony, 286.—Coileâs another army to oppofe king Edward in Normandy, 303.—Defeated at the battle of Crecy, 326.—Coileâs a large army to raife the fiege of Calais, 358.—Enters into a truce with the king of England, 370.—Marries die lady Blanche, daughter of Philip, king of Navarre, 381.—Dies at Nogent le Roi, 393. Philip, fon of king John of France, created duke of Burgundy, I. 635. Pbilippa, daughter of the earl William of Hainault, married to Edward the third, I. 46.— In the abfence of the king raifes an army to oppofe the Scots, 339.—Defeats them at the battle of Ncvil's Cross, 341.—Receives the king of Scotland as her prifoner at York, 349. —Her three laft requefts to king Edward, H. 14.—Her death, 14. Pbilippa, daughter of the duke of Lancafter, married to tbe king of Portugal, III. 377. Picardy, the country of, invaded by king Edward the Third, I. 99. Pierrepont, the town of, taken by fir Euftace d'Ambreticonrt, I. 552. Piquigny, fir John de, delivers trucking of Navarre from the caftle of Alleres, I. 470.—En-deavours to take the town of Amiens, 492«—Forces the duke of Normandy to raife the fiege of Mauconfeil, 480.—Dies at La Herrielle, 516. Plague, the, defolates all Europe, I. 391. Plaisac, Heliot de, governor of Boutville, taken by the French, II. 281. Poitiers, the city of, taken by the earl of Derby, I. 337*—Surrenders to fir Bertrand du Guefdin, IL. 118. Poitiers, the battle of, between the king of France and the prince of Wales, I. 427. Poitiers INDEX. tu

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