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GILDAS On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain
page 46

esc, 60, 61.] ESDRÀ.S, E2ECHIEL. delivered them over to darkness. " Let, therefore, his portion be accursed from the earth ; let his plantings bring forth witherings; let him for this be rewarded according to his dealings ; let every wicked man like the unsound wood be broken in pieces. For arising in his wrath hath he overthrown the impotent. Wherefore truly shall he have no trust of his life ; when he shall begin to grow diseased, let him not hope for health, but fall into languishing. For his pride hath been the hurt of many, and he is become decayed and rotten, as the mallows in the scorching heat, or as the ear of corn when it falleth off from its stubble." And afterwards, " If his children shall be many, they shall be turned to the slaughter, and if he gather together silver as if it were earth, and likewise purify his gold as if it were dirt, all these same shall the just obtain." § 60. Hear ye moreover what blessed Esdras, that cyclopaedia of the divine law, threateneth in his discourse. " Thus saith our Lord God: My right hand shall not be Bparing upon sinners, neither shall the sword cease over them who spill the innocent blood on the earth. Fire shall proceed from out of my wrath, and devour the foundations of the earth, and sinners as if they were inflamed straw. Woe be unto them who offend, and observe not my commandments, saith our Lord, I will not forbear them. Depart from me ye apostatizing children, and do not pollute my sanctuary. God doth know who offend against him, and he will therefore deliver them over to death and to slaughter. For now have many evils passed over the round compass of the earth, A sword of fire is sent out against you, and who is he that shall restrain it ? shall any man repulse a lion that hungereth in the wood ? or shall any one quench out the fire when the straw is burning ? our Lord God will send out evils, and who is he that shall repress them ? and fire will pass forth from out of his wrath, and who shall extinguish it? it shall brandishing shine, and who will not fear it ? it shall thunder, and who will not shake with dread ? God will threaten all, and who will not be terrified ? before his face the earth doth tremble, and the foundations of the sea shake from the depths." § 61. And mark ye also what Ezechiel the renowned prophet, and admirable beholder of the four evangelical ζ 2

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