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Roger De Hoveden The Annals vol.1., From A.D. 732 To A.D. 1180.


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Roger De Hoveden
The Annals vol.1., From A.D. 732 To A.D. 1180.
page 496

A.D. 1178. LETTER OF HENRY, ABBAT OF CLATRVAL. one whatever either for favour or reward, or on account of any tie of relationship. When therefore an innumerable multitude was duly entered upon this list so drawn up, among others there was named this great man, Peter Moran, whom, as Ave have previously mentioned, they called Saint John the Evangelist. Accordingly, taking counsel together with reference to him, we determined with him to commence our judgment, that the rest of the perfidious multitude might tremble, when the simplicity of the true Gospel had brought to condemnation the craftiness of the false evangelist. Sending therefore his apparitors, the earl of Saint Gilles, who faithfully gave us his assistance, ordered him to be summoned. He however, trusting in the multitude of his riches, and the numbers of his relations, set at nought the words of the first citation, by making some trifling and arrogant excuse for creating delay. Consequently, on a second day the earl, relying more on blandishments than terror, in a quiet way invited the said Peter by means of his friends and acquaintances ; and, after he had made many difficulties as to coming, mingling threats with blandishments, at last brought him before us. Upon this, one of us who was the speaker, began to warn him in such terms as these : ' Well now, Peter, your fellow-citizens accuse you of having broken the rule of the true faith, and having entered upon the corruptions of the Arian heresy ; nay, more, you both lead others, and are being led yourself by others through the devious paths of multiplied errors.' Upon this, heaving a deep sigh, and inwardly touched with a pang at his heart, he lyingly asserted at the first blush that he was none of that sort. On being asked whether he would prove this on oath, he contended that credence ought be given to his simple assertion •as that of a faithful and noble man. When, however, we all persisted in exacting the oath, he promised that he would swear forthwith, for fear lest he might by that very circumstance be detected to be a heretic, in case he should remain obstinate in declining the oath, which refusal was in conformity with the tenets of this heresy. Accordingly, shortly afterwards the relies of the saints were with due honor produced and received with Buch solemn reverence and devotion, so much so, that the faithful among the people were moved to tears, and their hiding-places had more charms for the heretics who had assembled than such a sight. During the chaunt, which we sang, shedding plenteous

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