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FRANCIS LANCELOTT, ESQ. Queens of England. Vol.1.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Queens of England. Vol.1.
page 487

about this time expressed a wish to I atone for the wrongs inflicted by Henry the Eighth on the unjustly executed Earl of Warwick,* by marrying her to the high-minded Reginald Pole, son of Warwick's sister, the Countess of Salisbury. Reginald expressed great friendship for the Princess, was often in her company, and, according to some accounts, really loved her. If so, his sacrifice to principle and justice must have been great indeed; as in 1532, when Henry, as a bribe, offered him tho valuable vacant bishopric of York, he offended his monarch by expressing an opinion against the divorce, and was forced to withdraw from England. He afterwards entered the church, but not till all hope of becoming Mary's husband had vanished. When the ruthless Henry the Eighth caused his good Queen Katherine to be driven from Windsor Castle never more to enter his presence, a severo sickness confined Mary to her chamber at Greenwich. But, although tbe Princess was spared the pangs of witnessing this outrage offered to the feelings of her deeplyloved mother, the tidings reached her a week afterwards, and overwhelmed her with sorrow. Her first impulse was to seek her ill-used parent and rush into her arms; and when she learned that by her stern father's orders she and her dejected mother were strictly forbidden to again behold each other, she fell to the ground in a swoon. Her friend tbe Countess of Salisbury, who, by tbe kindness, or perhaps indifference, of Henry, was permitted to still remain with her, raised her up, comforted and consoled her, and shortly afterwards did her the pleasure to secretly communicate to her mother by letter. With the contents of these doubtless interesting letters wc arc unacquainted ; not one of them is known to exist, and if they were noi immediately destroyed by the parties concerned, it is just possible that some or all of them fell into the King's hands, and materially influenced him in bringing the venerable Countess to the scaffold.f * Sec page *25. j See page 457. In 1533, misfortunes fell heavily on the cruelly separated Queen and Princess, The King made public bis marriage with Anne : oleyn ; Katherino's marriage was formally annulled by Cranmer, and Anne 1 oleyn crowned. Although these adversities induced the repudiated Queen to frequently write to her daughter, for whose welfare she now only lived, her pen was always guided by the hand of prudence and judgment—her counsel wise and holy. As a specimen, we subjoin the following epistle, without date, but probably written about the middle of the year 1533. L DAUGHTER, " I heard such tidings this day, that I do perceive, if it be true, the time is near that Almighty God will provide for you \% and I am very glad of it, for I trust that he doth handle you with a good love. I beseech you agree to his pleasure with a merry heart, and be you sure that without fail he will not suffer you to perish, if you beware to offend him. I pray God you, good daughter, to offer yourself to him, if any pangs come to you shrive yourself, first make yourself clean, take heed of his commandments, and keep them as near as he will give you grace to do, for then you are sure armed. And if this lady do come to you us it is spoken, if she do bring you a letter from the King, I am sure in the self same letter you shall be commanded what you shall do. Answer you with few words, obeying the King, your father, in everything ; save only that you will not offend God and lose your soul, and go no further with learning and disputation in the matter, and wheresoever, and in whatsoever company you shall come, obey the King's commandment, speak few words, and meddle nothing. I will send you two books in Latin ; one shall be De Vita CÂristi with the declaration of gospels, and the other the Epistles of J Probably tTIR sentence of the Pope made public in the July of tliis year (1533). annulling the marriage of Henry and Anne ISoleyn, and e χ enm in uni eating them, if they continued to live together as man and wife, and, consequently, legitimatizing Mary'g birth.

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