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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.1


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.1
page 383

378 ROGER OP AVENDO VER. [A.D. 1095. such our instructions to be delivered to the absent ; and we fix the spring next ensuing as the term for your operations to commence. God will accompany you on your march, and the season of the year be propitious, both by abundance of fruits and by the serenity of the elements. Those who shall die, will sit down in the heavenly guest-chamber, and those who survive will set their eyes on our Lord's sepulchre. Happy are they who are called to this expedition, that tiey may see the holy places in which our Lord conversed vdth man, and where to save them he was born, crucified, died, wis buried, and rose again." These were the words of Urban, after which he commanded the prelates of the churches who wer3 present to return home, and with all earnestness and solicitude exhort the people under their charge to take part in lhe aforesaid expedition. Of the names of the nobles who took the cross, and of their manimity. When the clergy and people heard the words of tie abovementioned discourse, they with one voice seconded the tenor of the preacher, and declared their readiness to jo on pilgrimage. Forthwith certain of the nobles who we-e present at the council, threw themselves on their knees jefore the pope, and dedicated themselves and all they lad to the warfare of Christ. First among them was Ademai bishop of Puy, who, receiving from the pope's hand the sgn of the cross, was instantly followed by William bishop o' Aurasia, and multitudes of others of all ages and conditiors. When the business of the council was over, they all returned home, and the fame of what had then taken place, spreading through the world, stimulated not only the Medterranean provinces to this pilgrimage, but all those also vho in the remote islands or in barbarous nations had hearc the name of Christ. Of those who took the cross were, Hugh the Great, brother to Philip king of France, GodfEy duke of Lorraine, Raimond count of Toulouse, Robert dike of Normandy, Boamund an Apuleian by residence but Gorman by birth, Robert count of Flanders, Stephen count .f Chartres, Baldwin and Eustace brothers of duke Godfrey, a second Baldwin of Bourges, Garner count of Degres, Badwin count of the Amanci, Isoard count of Die, William couit of Foreis, Stephen earl of Albemarle, Rotro count of Perche,Hugh count

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