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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 41

•10 ROGER OF WENDOVER. [A .» . 1178. account of liei- infirmity, an object of dislike to ber husband, left her native place, and passing through Kedburn, lay down to sleep near the place where the martyrs were buried, nor did she rise from thence until she was wholly cured. Another woman of Dunstable, named Cecilia, had the dropsy, which gave her the appearance of being pregnant, and she also was restored to health by a visit to the spot. Also, a girl, five years old, who had never walked since her birth, but was always carried by her parents, was placed near the same spot, in the sight of many faithful witnesses, and after a short sleep, rose up and ran upon her feet, to the great joy of her parents. Meanwhile, the day of St. Alban's martyrdom arrived, and, famous as is that day in itself, it was made still more so, by the publication of miracles. The faithful were admonished to give alms more largely, to use abstinence in diet, and the solemn procession was re peated the next day. But the days which still intervened, did not pass in idle, talk, for up to the very hour of the discovery of the relics, evident miracles were performed. A man of Kingsbury laughed at those who were digging for saint«, and coming with the rest to the spot, though with very different thoughts from theirs, he was immediately seized with madness, tore his clothes, and instead of deriding the diggers, became now a spectacle to them. When he had been tormented some time in the sight of all who were present, the hand of God ceased to punish him, and he returned safe, though chastened, to his home. Another man also laughed at them for digging for saints, and was also struck with the divine vengeance, for in the midst of speaking he was violently seized, and breathed out on the spot his blaspheming spirit. One Algar of Dunstable came to the spot with a cart, in which was a cask of ale for sale : a poor sick man came up to him and begged of him, for the love of the martyr, to give, him a small draught to quench his thirst. Algar, incensed at his request, said he had not come there out of regard to the martyr, but to make profit by the sale of his goods. Whilst he was thus abusing the poor man, both ends of his cask fell out, the beer ran upon the ground, and by the saint's interference, not only the poor man who had been denied the least drop of it, but also many others with liim, falling upon their knees, drank as much as

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