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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 149

148 ROGER OF WEN DOVER. [A.D. 1 190. the permission of the aforesaid William, and let himself down from the wall of the eastle of Bonvillo, on the Tuke, where he was confined, and thus teok his leave of them. The king of England was greatly enraged against Robert de Kos for this, and took from him a thousand two hundred marks of silver for his offence, and ordered William d'Epinay to be hung on a gibbet. OJ the capture ef the bishop of Ueauvais and William de Merle. After this event, as John, the king's brother, and Morcadcus prince of Brabant, were making an excursion beton; the city of Beauvais, intent oti the capture of booty. Philip, the bishop of that place, and William de Merle, with his son and several knights and some soldiers, came out of the city on them, but were in a short time all taken prisoner.-!, and a great number of the soldiers slain. The same day, after this capture, the same English nobles proceeded to Milli, a castle belonging to the before-named bishop, took it by assault, and afterwards destroyed it, and then returned in triumph, and delivered all their captives to the English king; the bishops, on account of being taken in arms, was imprisoned, and heavily loaded with chains.* In this same year a sudden and rapid inundation of the waters of the Seine involved the adjacent buildings both wood and stone in destruction, which greatly alarmed the king of the French, and Maurice the bi.-hop of Perche, who were staying at Paris; the king left his palace, and, taking his son Louis with him, went to pass the night at St. Genevieve, and the bishop fled to Saint Victor'-. Of a vision which was seen by a certain η:οηλ\ of purgatory and the places of punishment ; the reading of which is very useful. In tho^e days a certain monk, belonging to the convent of Evesham, fell ill, and for fifteen months was afllicted with * This affair is given rather more in detail by Matthew Paris, who concludes his narrative as follows:—"The chapter of licauvais laid a grave complaint about the capture of their bishop and archdeacon before the pope, who wrote a friendly letter to king Kichard, requesting him to set his dear son, and the son of the church, at liberty. The king, in respect towards the pope, ordered the bishop's coat of mail to be carried to his holiness, with a request that he would see whether it was his son's coat or not. To which the pope replied, ' He is no son of mine nor of the church ; let him be ransomed at the king's pleasure, for he is a soldier of Mars rather than of Christ ! ' "

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