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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 168

Λ.I). 1197.] ALLIANCE OF ΚΙΟΙΙΛΙίΙ) ANI) BALDWIN. And tlie, C1MIIT.1I of lîoiien and the aforesaid archbishop, and his successors will hold all these places in exchange for the aforesaid manor of Andoleys for ever, as witness these names * This exchange has been effected at Koucn in the year of grace 1197, and in the eighth year of our reign."t limr kiny Itichard carried the body of St. Valéry to Normandy, and there burned several ships. At this time a hint was given to king Richard that ships were in the habit of coming from Kngland to St. Valéry to bring provisions to the king of the French and his other enemies; be therefore, inarched to that place, burned the town, destroyed the monks, and carried away the eoflin of St. Valéry, with bis bones, into Normandy. In the harbour there he found some English ships laden with corn and provisions ; whereupon he ordered their crews to be hung, and after burning the ships, bestowed the provisions on his soldiers. ìloiv Ain// llielutrd secured the alliance of the count of Flanders. About this same time king Richard, by presents, enticed all who were powerful in the. French kingdom, into friendship with hiin : he gave five thousand marks of silver to Baldwin count of Flanders for his assistance, and that prince gave hostages to the king as a security that he would not make any terms with the king of the French without his consent. The inhabitants of Champagne, with those also of Brittany, left the king of the French and joined the side of king Richard. William Crepiti, constable of Augi», being compelled by force, surrendered the same castle to the English king, who immediately garrisoned it ; and the French king assembled an army and laid siege to it. Whilst this was going on, the king of the English made a hostile descent * Tile names arc omitted. + " In those days there arose in Κ ranee a famous preacher, by whom (led wrought miracles openly ; he endeavoured to eradieate usury anioni: die French, who imbibed that vice from the Italians, and were much eontaminated by it. This preacher, whose name was Kulk, seni a certain priest, namely, thenbhat de Pini, into Knglanil, to put down the horrors of trafile on Sunday, and the alihat, on his arrival, eradicateci lie- unseemly practice in many places. At this time, llobert of Shrewsbury was toiiseerated bishop of Bangor."—M. J'aris.

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