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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 263

2G2 ΙΪΟΰΕΚ OF WENDOVEK. [A .D . 1213. in your bailiwick, and make, a careful list of all the ships there found capable of carrying six horses or more ; and that, in our name, you order the masters as well as the owners of those ships, as they regard themselves, their ships, and all their property, to have them at Portsmouth at Midlent, well equipped with stores, tried seamen, and good soldiers, to enter into our service for our deliverance ; and that you then and there make a true and distinct list of how many ships you find in each port, whose they are, and how many horses each ship can carry; and you then inform us how many and what ships are not in their harbours on the Sunday after Ash-Wednesday, as we had ordered; and this shall be your warrant for the same. Witness, myself, at the New Temple, this third day of March." Having thus arranged about the ships, the king sent other letters to all the sheriffs of his kingdom to the following effect : "John, king nf England, SfC. — Give warning by good agents to the earls, barons, knights, and all free and serving men. whoever they be, or by whatever tenure they hold, wdio ought to have, or may procure, arms, who have made homage and sworn allegiance to lis, that, as they regard us, as well as themselves and all their own property, they be at Hover at the end of the coming Lent, equipped with horses and arms, and with all they can provide, to defend our person and their persons, and the land of England, and let no one wdio can carry arms remain behind under penalty of being branded with cowardice, and of being condemned to perpetual slavery ; and let each man follow his lord ; and let those wdio possess no land, and who can carry arms, come to take service with ns as mercenaries. And send, moreover, all victualling conveyances, and all the markets of your bailiwick to follow our army, so that no market may be held elsewhere in your bailiwick, and do you yourself attend at that place with your agents aforesaid. And be sure that we wish to know in what manner all come from your bailiwick, and who come, and who do not ; and see that you come properly supplied with horses and arms, so that we may not be obliged to deal with you in person. And see that you bave a roll, so as to inform us of those who remain." On these letters being spread abroad throughout England, there assembled at the sea-ports in different parts which most attracted the king's

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