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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 283

28'2 ROC F. Π OF WrXDOVEll. [A.D . )2U. ion;; tainted with this pestiferous sin, the. barons sont special messengers, namely, the archbishop nf Santonge, the bishop of Fondi, the viscount of St. Florentins, ami the lord Area Μ de Koussiilon, to the inhabitants of that city with letters iVoiu them, ordering them to deliver up to the army of the crusader* the heretics of that city, and nil their property, lint if by chance they should say that they were not heretics; that those who were signified and expressed by name should connto them to make a plain declaration of their faith, accordili»: to Christian custom, before the whole army; and should they refuse to do this they would, by the same letters, excommunicate their chief oilieers and counsellors, and place the whole town nf Toulouse with ita dependencies under an interdict. In this year,* on the fourteenth of October, (ìeofl'rcy Fitz-I'eter, justiciary of England, closed his life. * "In the course of the same year, during the following summer, there lJP m sprang France a false doctrine never before heard of: for a certain youth, who was a hoy in ape, hut of vile habits, at the instigation of the dewl, went about amongst the cities and castles of France, chanting in Krench these words; '*() Lord Jesus Christ, restore tous the holy cross!" with many other additions. And when the rest of the boys of his own age saw and heard him, they followed him in endless numbers, and, being infatuated by the wiles of the devil, they left their fathers and mothers, nurses, and nil their friends, singing in the same way as their teacher; and, what was astonishing, no lock could dttain them, nor could the persuasions of their parents recall them, but they followed their said master towards the Medi terranean sea, and, crossing it, thev marched on in procession singing. No city could hold them on account of numbers; their leader was placed in a ear ornamented with a canopy, and was attended by armed guards raising their shouts around him. They were so numerous that they squeezed one another together, anil that one thought himself happy who could gain a thread or a shred of Iiis garment. I tut at last, their old enemy Satan plotted against them, and they all perished either on land or by sea. Of the death of (le^ffrcy Fitz-Veter, In the same year (ïeoflrey Fitz-Peter, justiciary of ail Kngîand, a man of great power and authority, died on the second day of October, to the great grief of the kingdom. This man was a firm pillar of the church, and was η nob!e-mindcd man, learned in the laws, treasures, and revenues,was strengthened by good works, and was allied either by blood or the ties of friendship to all the nobles of Knglnnd : the king on ibis account feared him more than all the rest of his subject*, without having any regard for him; for he held the reins of government ; and therefore at his death Kngland was like a bhip at sea without a pilot. This disturbance commenced on the death of Hubert archbishop of Canterbury, u noble and a faithful man, and alter the deaths of these two men, Kngland could not breathe. On the death of the said Peter being told to king John, he hiughinglv said, " When

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