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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 288

A.I». 1213. j FLIGHT OF THE EM IK. 287 jill of whom tha archbishop of Narbontie, the legate of the apostolic sec had ordered to assemble lor the purpose of managing the business of the crusade, set out together with Simon (le Montfort, and an army of crusaders, to rentier assistance to the besieged castle. On the Wednesday of the above-mentioned week they arrived at a castle called Savardoii, whence they sent messengers to the besieging commandera at M urei le, saying that they were come to treat with them about peace, and therefore they wished safe eon with the Christian religion, and gave utterance to some unmentionable inolisi ι .savings, of which, however, we have thought proper to relate one. It happened that a very fat stag had been taken in the hunt, and when it was being skinned hi the king's presence lie laughed, and said in uiocken , '• Oil how fat this animal has grown without ever hearing mass.*' The emir ìliurmetins is conquered and takes to flight. About this time the king, or emir, Murmelius, of whom mention was made above, with a large army which be had collected, with John's consent, as is said, determined to take forcible possession of the kingdom of Spain ; and he was inspired with this boldness by the wavering failli of king John, and the interdict on that kingdom. When, however, the Christian followers of the king of Spain heard of this, they bravely opposed him, and dispersed bis whole army, and drove them from the country, after blaying bis cldist s »u and capturing his royal standard. In this battle the king of Arragou would inn e gained immortal renown, if be had not been elevated by pride and contumaciously exacted from Simon de Montfort the whole of the lami which lie had gained from the Albigenses to be held by him, in spite of the prohibition of the pope who had asked tor the same, whereby he kindled a tierce war against himself. About tli h tine the king of Arragon, who hail been crowned by pope Innocent at Uome, and received frinii that pontiff a strict order not to gi\ assistance or show favour to the enemies of the faith, disregarded the order it his father the pope, and after the victory over the emir Murmelius began to backslide, doing all the injury in bis power to the aforesaid Simon ; he also nllied himself with the heretic Albigcnses, and, in company with some knights, lied and joined the people of Toulouse. It. de Uedera too with lus I led era us summoned together an immense number of his fellow provincials, and having thus raised a large army, laid siege to the castle of Murelîe on the Tuesday alter the nativity of St. Mary. On hearing this the teiierabte lathers, the bishops of Toulouse, Nismts, Agile, Rourges, t'tiea, Loche-, Carcassonc, Κ lino, and St. Malo, and the abbaia of Clerac, Maadeviiic, and St. Lilies, and many other illustrious men whom the archbishop o| Narhonne, the legate of the apostolic see, Xc. ice.—All in .Matthew l\tri' hand. Fiom this point in the C.C.C. Md. the continuation of the lust*.η in the text has been compiled by Matthew Paris, and ha* been written by the same hand its the Cotton MS . Τ lie text of Wetulover is not lefi, but additions and alterations are made as well in the bod) of the nork iut by 1'tiris himself, us it would appear, in the margin.

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