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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 308

.D. 1C1Ó.] LONDON 1-IKLUKU TO Till-; ΚΛICONS. nobles heard what John said, they appointed Robert Fitz-Walter eoniinaiider of their soldiers, giving him the title of " Marshal of the army of God and the holy church," and then, one and all flying to arms, they directed tlieir forces towards Northampton. On their arrival there they at once laid siege to the castle, but after having stayed there for lil'teen days, and having gained little or no advantage, they determined to move their camp ; for having come without petraria: and other engines of war, they, without accomplishing tlieir purpose, proceeded in confusion to the castle of Bedford. At that siege the standard-bearer of Robert Fitz-Walter, amongst others slain, was pierced through the head with an arrow from a cross-bow and died, to the grief of many. Jlow the city of London was given up to the larons. When the army of the barons arrived at Bedford, they were received with all respect by William de Bcauehainp. There also came to them there messengers from the city of London, secretly telling them, if they wished to get into that city, to come there immediately. The barons, inspirited by the arrival of this agreeable message, immediately moved their camp and arrived at Ware; after this they inarched the whole night, and arrived early in the morning at the city of London, and, finding the gates open, the)', on the 24th of May, which was the Sunday next before our Lord's ascension, entered the city without any tumult whilst the inhabitants were performing divine service; for the rich citizens were favourable to the barons, and the poor ones were afraid to murmur against them. The barons having thus got into the city, placed their own guards in charge of each of the gates, and then arranged all matters in the city at will. They then took security from the citizens, and sent letters throughout Kngland to those earls, barons, and knights, who appeared to be still faithful to the king, though they only pretended to be so, ami advised them with threats, as they regarded the safety of all their property and possessions, to abandon a king who was perjured and wdio warred against his barons, and together with them to stand linn and tight against the king for their rights and for peace ; and that, if they refused to do this, they, the barons, would make war against thein χ 2

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