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Geoffrey de Vinsauf Itinerary of Richard I and others to the Holy Land page. 27
Count Stephen, the Count of Clairmont, Count of Scalons, Manserius de Garland, Bernard de St. Waleri, John Count of Pontiny, Erard de Castiny, Robert de Buon, Adaunius de Fontaines, Louis de Ascla, Walter d’Arzillieres, Guy de Castellan, with his brother Lovel, Guy de Meisieres, John de Montmirail, John d’ Arcy; also the Lord of Camte in Burgundy, Gaubert d’Aspremont, Clarembald de Noyers, the Bishop of Blois, the Bishop of Toulon, the Bishop of Ostia, the Bishop of Mordre (Mordrensis), the Bishop of Brescia, the Bishop of Aste; also the Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Archbishop of Cǽsarea, the Bishop of Nazareth; there were also the bishop elect of Acre, and the Archbishop of Besançon, Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Hubert Bishop of Salisbury; as well as the Archdeacon of Colchester, Rodolph de Hauterive, of whom we have spoken before, and the Abbot of Scalons, the Abbot of Esterp. There came, also, a priest, who was incessantly active against the enemy, hurling darts from a sling with indefatigable toil. There came, also, many from Normandy, such as Walkelin de Ferrars, Robert Trussebot, Richard de Vernon with his son, Guilbert de Tillieres with a strong band of warriors, and Ivo de Vipont, Ranulph de Glanville, formerly justiciary of England, Gilbert de Malines, and Hugh de Gorney. Besides these came many from different parts of the earth, whose names have not been enumerated; and if we knew them we would not mention them, for fear of wearying our hearers.
Chapter XLIII. - How Henry of Champagne was set over the army.
Henry count of Troyes at that time landed with a strong body of soldiers, into whose hands was committed the command of the army, which James d’Avennes and the Landgrave had held hitherto conjointly or by turn; for the Landgrave - being in ill-health left the camp on the pretext of returning home; - a man who, after performing many noble actions, to
the admiration of all, tarnished the bright glory of his deeds by his pusillanimous return.
Chapter XLIV. - How the duke of Suabia came to Acre by the persuasion of the marquis.
At this time, the duke of Suabia, shortly after his father’s death, was staying at Antioch with the sons of the emperor, and the chiefs send to him to remain in that quarter, to make war upon the neighbouring territory of the barbarians. This was sound and wholesome policy; for if he had occupied the enemy by urging the war in many places at once, their endeavours would have become distracted, and consequently weaker for individual operations. The marquis, who was charged with this message, failed to execute his instructions faithfully, and by an invidious interpretation of them influenced the duke’s mind, for he represented that the chiefs wanted to procure his absence through jealousy, that they might have the glory of taking the city without him. Some asserted that the marquis had received from the sultan sixty thousand byzantines to persuade the duke to depart from the confines of Antioch. The duke, therefore, on arriving at Acre, proved a cause of disagreement, for the French had an old and long-standing quarrel with the Germans, since the kingdom and empire contended for the supremacy.
Chapter XLV. - How the marquis, by the advice of the duke, aspired to the kingdom.
Moreover, the marquis, secretly assisting the cause of the duke, to whom he was related by blood, studiously sought his presence, that by his means, if he could, he might obtain the throne. An accident also favourable to his wishes made him indulge more confidently in his hopes, for premature death carried off the queen and the offspring she had conceived from King Guy; but in order that this point may be more clearly understood, we will trace the succession of the royal race from its first origin.
Chapter XLVI. - Of the genealogy of the kings of Jerusalem, and the cause why the marquis aspired to the throne.
It must be stated that Fulk, father of Geoffrey, count of Anjou, who was chosen king of Jerusalem on account of his singular virtues, had two sons, Baldwin and Almaric, by Melesende, the daughter of King Baldwin, his predecessor. Of these the elder ascended the throne, and bearing his grandfather’s name, married Theodora, the daughter [niece] of Manuel, emperor of Byzantium, but died without children after the conquest and capture of Askalon. His brother, who succeeded to his valour and throne, compelled Babylon to pay tribute, and by his two marriages had offspring of both sexes. His first wife, Beatrix, whom he married before coming to the throne, was daughter of the Count of Roasia; but forasmuch as she was related to him by blood, the marriage was set aside by judgment of the clergy, by a formal divorce. He had, however, two children by her, a
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