Жития святых, патерики, прологи, минеи, фрагменты хроник, апокрифы.
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стр. 468


512.    Wilson Ch., Warren Ch. The Recovery of Jerusalem. L.,

513.    Wilson E. The Scrolls from the Dead Sea. L., 1956.

514.    Woolley L. A Forgotten Kingdom. Baltimore, 1953.

515.    Worschech U. Egypt and Moab // BA. 1997. V. 60, â„– 4. P.

516.    Wright G. Archaeology and Old Testament Studies // JBL.
958. V. 77, p. l.P. 39-51.

517.    Wright G. Biblical Archaeology Today // New Directions
l Biblical Archaeology / Eds.: D. Freedman, J. Greenfield. Garden
ity, 1971. P. 167-186.

518.    Wright G. Dr. Waterman’s View Concerning the Solomonic
emple // JNES. 1948. V. 7, â„– 1. P. 53.

519.    Wright G. Iron: The Date of Its Introduction into Common
fse in Palestine // AJA. 1939. V. 43, â„– 3. P. 458-463.

520.    Wright G. Palestine in the Chalcolithic Age // BASOR.
937, â„– 66. P. 21-25.

521.    Wright G. Solomon’s Temple Resurrected // BA. 1941. V.
,â„–2. P. 17-31.

522.    Wright G. The Literary and Historical Problem of Joshua
0 and Judges 1 // JNES. 1946. V. 5, â„– 2. P. 105-114.

523.    Wright G. The «New» Archaeology // BA. 1974. V. 37,
Г® 3-4. P. 104-115.

524.    Wright G. The Present State of Biblical Archaeology // The
tudy of the Bible Today and Tomorrow / Ed.: H. Willoughby,
hicago, 1947. P. 74-97.

525.    Wright G. The Significance of the Temple in the Ancient
fear East. Part 3: The Temple in Palestine—Syria // BA. 1944. V.
, N® 4. P. 65-77.

526.    Wright G. What Archaeology Can and Cannot Do // BA.
971. V. 34, â„–3. P. 70-76.

527.    Yadin Y. Hazor. The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the
ible. N.Y., 1975.

528.    Yadin Y. The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands in the Light
f Archaeological Study: In 2 v. L., 1963.

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