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Exerpta Cypria
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of the Saviour wondered to see him so eager for the life-giving word, and preached to htm Jesus Christ, Who was incarnate on the earth, and suffered and rose again, as Very Cod. Whereupon Heraeleidios, who doubted concerning the idols, without delay or hesitation believed in Christ, and was baptised by the apostles, and was ordained first pastor of the church in Tamasus. And his own parents he drew to him by exhortation, and baptised ; and he built churches, and converted to the knowledge of God the practice of the Greeks. And he cured sundry diseases, raised the dead, cast out devils, and worked other wonders innumerable. But him, together with Myron, the idolaters burned with fire, and so he departed unto the Lord. But from his precious urn flow streams of miracles on those who visit his church with desire and faith, as the history concerning him sets forth. Moreover in our own days, in the year of Salvation 1769, this marvellous saint wrought an awful and most wonderful miracle. A child called John, the son of Haji Sa vas of the Phaneroinene quarter of the city of Levcosia, was driven by a savage devil, and tormented incessantly every day. But his parents in their great tribulation brought him to the holy shrine of the wonder-worker Heraeleidios, on a day when his commemoration was celebrated. And at the time of the Holy Mysteries—lo, what a wonder!—the evil spirit convulsed him sorely, and he began to vomit. And as he vomited he cast forth from his mouth a snake a span long, and two era lis, and he was healed from that hour. And ail wondered exceedingly at this awful miracle, and with loud voices glorified God, and His wonder-working bishop Heraeleidios. And these reptiles are even now preserved hung on high in his church, to bear witness to the miracle. And many other cures does he work daily on those who bring their longings to him in his holy church. Through his intercession, Ο Christ onr God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen. October 19. Commemoration of our saintly father MNASON, Bishop of Tamasus in Cyprus. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord, Bringing Musson, a gain of thy talents, On the nineteenth died Mnason. of the city Tamasus, This onr father Mnason, great iu godliness and virtue, was of the island of Cyprns, from a place called the city of Tamasns, and (it seems) of idolâtrons parents. The city of Tamasus, so his Life shows, produced this heavenly man, this earthly angel, as a young plant by the watercourses. After the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ to heaven, the holy apostles, great Paul and divine Barnabas, with Mark, carne to Cyprus and worked great wonders. And they caught first in their net S. Heraeleidios, and arriving at this city of Tamasus, aud finding out all who were idolaters, and working very many wonders, by Christ's divine grace, all were led to believe, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, with their wives also and children, and when they had consecrated S. Heraeleidios bishop, to shepherd Christ's flock there, they set forth again, and went from village to village teaching the Greeks, and ordaining some among the believers. But S. Mnason had a friend named Theonns, and they took counsel together, and went to Jerusalem to worship, and God so willed it that they found John the Divine, who taught them iu all its fulness the mystery of the Incarnation, the Baptism, and how that after this He was crucified, was buried, and rose again from the dead, and shall come again to judge quick and dead : and he counselled them to return again to their home, for they would find the apostles, l'ani, Mark and Barnabas. But they, filled with exceeding great joy, returned rejoicing. And they found the apostles teaching the people, together with S. Heraeleidios, 224 EXCERPTA CYPRIA.

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