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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 111
'SB ^
They then left the màr^et-placç, much difcop~ tentéH, and angry with Artaveld. Now!, fee ijpv^ unfortunately it fell out; for "if he h^d gone to' Ghent, infiead of iBruges and Ypres, W bad'*?-monftrated with them upon the quarrel of the king of England, they Would all have confented to his", withes, as thofe of the two above-mentioned towns had done : but he tpufted fo much to his profperïjty and grcatnefs, that he thought he could recover every thing back in a little time.
When on his return^ be came to Ghent about raidrday, the towhfmen, who were informed of the hour he was expected, had aflembled in t-he ftreet that he was to'pafs through : as. foon as they fcvf hînp, they began to murmur, and put thçir beads, ciofe together, faying, f Here comes one wjbo i$t too ipuch the mailer, and wants to or4e* m ^W* decs according to his wifl and, ple^fure, which xm*$ not be longer borne/ With tjbif, they %d alÇo lpread a rumour through, the town that. Jj|cç.b YÇJgt, Artaveld had colle&ed all thq revenues of .Flanders,, for nine years anc|«aore ; that he had. ufurpçji thff government without rendering* an account, for he. did .not allow any of the rents to pais to the earl.of Inlanders, ' but. kept them fecurely to maintain his own ftate, and had*, during the time abpve-nien-tioiied, received all fines and forfeitures :v of this great treafure, he. liad fent part into England. This, information inflamed thofe of Ghent with, rage;, and, as he warridjng up the ftreets, he perceived that there was fomethjng in agitation againft him; for thofe who were wont to faiute him very refpe6t-
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