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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 238
we will endure more than any men ever did in a firrular lituation, before. we con fent that the fmalleft boy in the town fhould fare worfe than the beft. I therefore once more -intrcat you, out of compaffion, to return to the king of England, and beg of him to have pity on us: be will, I truft, grant you this favour: for I have fuch an opinioa of his gallantry as to hope, that, through God's mercy, he will alter his mind/ The, two lords re-turned to the king, and related what had pafifcl. The king faid, he had no intentions of complying with the requeft, but fhould infill that they furren-dered themfelves unconditionally to his will. Sir Walter replied : f My lord you may to be blame in lliis, as you will fet us a very bad example ; for * H you order us to go to an^ of your eaftles, we fhall nbt obey you fo cheerfully, if you put thefe people to death ; for they will retaliate upon ufi, in a fimilar cafe/ Many barons who were then pre-fent fupported this opinion. Upon which the king replied : ' Gentlemen, I am not fo obftinate as to hold my opinion alone againft you all : fir Walter, you will inform the governor of Calais, that the only grace he muft expeâ from me is, that fix of the principal citizens of Calais march out of the town, with bare heads and feet, with rapes round their necks, and the keys of the town and caftie im their hands. Thefe fix perfoos fhall be%ât my ab- folute difpofai, and the remainder of the inhabitants pardoned/ % _ .
' Sir Walter returned to the lord de Vienne, who was waiting for him on the battlements, and told ,
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