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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 365
iïi mot wîfh te deal faarihly with any tuiigtit ' or %iire that his ranfom lhould be fo burdenfome ts to prevent his following the profeffion of arms,
or advancing"his fortune.
1 1 • * • 11 1 1 "_A"%""fl1 "11 1 " " "1*""" "111,111
Sir Hugh Odard . - Sir Lewis Defcrine!
Sir Oiks Cherclietnotit Sir Joîm de Vernfccnnt '
Sir John de Senycé Sir Peter Audouyn
Sir Wm. ds ligoyne and his fon Shr John de Vernon*
Sir John Drouyn de Mete in S» Join* de MontmorrUen and
Loraine his 1cm
Sir Robert d'Aulrmy Sir Hugelin de Vain
Matter John Dannemarie Sir John de Almaigne Sir John de k Lamg • • The lord d^Ëfpraigny Sir Simon de Renotfyfle Sir Ûu?h de Tinétes
Sir Philip de Pterrefl&e The lord of St. Gildart
Sir Wirliam de Maufenae • Sir Henry de l'Aunoy Sir William de Miners Sir Girard de Helchemanc
Sir Raoul de Bouteillier Sir Qouràrd Guemf
Sir Peler de la Rocdete Sir Vipert Beau
The lord de la Fayeté Sfr Henry Mkhfoer
A German called Erroys Pin* Sir John de Brie
cerne Sir Raoul Séiî
Sir Boulenulile, vifcount d'Au- Sir Symon de Blefy '
malle Shr Hugh Orry de Mellé
Sir John Fretart ^ Sir Segnyn de Cluys
Sir Robert Daucre Sir Thomas de Baignel
Sir John la Garde, ting appel Sir Peter Bâillon,
le fils de roy •
* Eight were buried in three grates, "wbofe names and firname* Here unknown ; and among them was the body of a knight, whofe furcoat of arras was three chevrons or, in a flûeld gules*
• The arms of ail the princes, knights, and lords above-men* Honed were blazoned on the Halls of the convent, in order to keep them in perpetual rem€mbIafïce•,
Bouchefs Annoda £ Aquitaine, 4 «te partît, folio 11.
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