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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 432
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better, oftrich feathers, and fpear beads ; which things they never would ihfert in their paflports.
The garrifon of Mauconfeil deftroyed the greater part of the fine abbey of Orchamps, at which the ' governor was much enrage when informed of it
Thefe Navarrois fpread themfelves over many places, along the banks of the Somme and the Oile; and two of their men at arms, called Ra-bigeois de Dury and Robin l'Efcot* took by efcà-lade, the good town of Berlyf, in which they placed a garrifon, and ftrongly fortified it. Thefë two companions had in pay, under their command,' about four hundred men, to whom they gave fixed wages, and paid them every month.
The garrifons of Beaulieu, Creil, Mauconfeil, and la Herielle, fcoured all parts of the country, as no one oppofed them ; the knights having fufficient employment in guarding their houfes and caftle*. Thefe Englifh and Navarrois went armed or un-armed, and ro^le over the country at their pleafure, to amufe themfelves, from one garrifon to another, as if ull had been at peace.
The young lord de Coucy had his towns and caftles extremely well guarded : he was alfot lord paramount of that part of the country.
The canon de Robefart watched the Navarrois better than any other, and harafled them. much ; for frequently he had overthrown many of them.
• Q. The firft, fee note p. 412 the fécond, Robin Scott, t Q. If not Beaulieu, which is « town in Pkardy, in the dioceff ^nd election of Noyon.
Vol. II. E e CHAP.
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