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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 472
days ; and, whilft you are courteoufly treated, I will prepare the money for your payment.' 3ir John, who had come thither on the bifhop's word, agreed to the propofal : but the populace began to mur-mur, and to fay, € How can our lord bifhop make fîich a mock of us, as to entertain ip his houfe the greateft pillager of all France, befides wanting to make us give him our money?' They then col-le6ted together, fent ftrong guards to each of the gates, to prevent his efcape, and marched in a body of fix thoufand, with arms, to flay fir John Segar in the court of the bifhop *s hôtel.
When the bifhop faw.this, he fpoke tp them, and faid ; € My good friends, he is come here under the fecurity of my paflport ; and you know that a treaty has been made between us, with your con-fient : it would therefore be highly difloyal to do any thing, under this aflurance, ' that may be hurt-ful to him/
However, notwithftanding the endeavours of the bifhop, they forced into the hall and the apart-ments, in which they made fo exaéi a fearch that they found fir John Segar, flew him, and cut him into pieces.
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