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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 39
that this tower, great as it is, fhall be thrown down whenever you pleafe/ 4 It is well/ replied fir Bartholomewj c but do nothing more without my orders to which they willingly contented. The knight immediately mounted his fteed ; and taking John de GuifteUes * with him, who was one of his companions, they advanced to the caftle, and fir Bartholomew made a fignai that he wifhed to have a parley with thofe within*
Upon this, fir Henry came forward on the battle-ments, and demanded what he wanted. * 1 want you to furrender/ replied fir Bartholomew, c or you will be all infallibly deftroyed.' * By what means ?' anfwered the French knight, who began to laugh : c we are perfeftly well fupplied with every thing ; and you wifh us thus fimply to furrender : certainly it fhall not be to-day/ added fir Henry* 4 Certainly/ faid the Englifh knight, 4*if you were truly informed what your fituation is, you would fur-render inftantly. without more words/ c Why, what is our fituation ?' demanded fir Henry. 4 If you will come out, upon my affurance of your fafety, I will fhew you/ replied fir Bartholomew. Sir Hehry accepted the condition, and came out of the fortrefs, with only three others, to fir Bartholomew and John de GuifteUes, who immediately conduced them to the mine, and fhewed them that the great tower was only fupported on props of wood.
When the French knight faw the peril he and Ms garrifon were in, he told fir Bartholomew, that he had very good reafons for what he had faid, and
* Barnes calls him lord John de Botetourt i but he gives no authority for if.
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