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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 60
ieïvices and duties due on account of their lands and places in the fame maimer as they formerly have performed them ; and we fhall re-enter upon all that we, or any other kings of England have poffefTed, as well as upon thefe places whence we formerly had received nothing.
The vifcounty of Montreuii fur mer has been alfo promifed to be given up to us in the fame manner as in former times, and all whatfoever we or any other king of England poffefTed there : and whereas there have arifen difputes relative to the divifion of this territory, our brother of France has promifed, that he will declare it to be ours as fpeedily as poflible after his return to France. . Item, it is alfo promifed that the county of Pon-thieu fhall be delivered over to us entire, fave and except that if any part of it fhould have been alienated by the kings of England who reigned before us, and were formerly poffefTors of it and its appurte-nances, to others than the kings of France, neither our aforefaid brother, nor his fucceffors, fhall be bounden to furrender them : and if the faid aliena-tions have been made to any former kings of France, immediately, without paffing through a third per* fon, and our aforefaid brother be in poffeffion of them, he fhall render them wholly up to us ; ex* ceptmg that if the kings of France have had them from us in exchange for other lands, we will de-liver up fuch lands fo exchanged : but if any of the kings of England at former times fhould have alien-ated or difpofed of any parts to others than to the kings of France, and it fhould afterwards have come
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