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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 140
ancet entered mto and fwora by the king of Eng-land, their fovereign lord, with the king of France at Calais, fo facred and ixopg, they would sot -by any means infringe «or break them.
During the time the captai de Buch was journey* ix^ towards the king of Navarre, John king *£ France departed this Efe in England. The king, queen, the princes pf the blood and aH the aobks ôf England were exceedingly ooaçeraed at k, ike great love pad afcââ#ii he had itara to then fiaoe the conclufioa of the peace.
Bis brother, the dtike of Orleans, aad his -fon, the duke of Berry, were in great aifiicHoa at hië death, md feat in hafle to i&fcrm the dufee of i^onpakdy iof the aaelanchoijr evetet $ wfeo, when fee iwastfcrtaii it was true, wm smcfe afie&ed by it, ai fet tad reafon to be* hit9 conflicting ckat every t&fig .which is created mtfft in. the co»rfe of feature heart au'•end, and that he could aot reaaedy thk lofe* èe bore il -as patiently as he -wars able. Hndiag hinlfâùf tbus fucceflbr to -the inherits*** of the kingdom of France, and being well infprwed that &e fciog «f Navarre was daily reinforcing Jhis gaxrifons in the county of Evreux, and that he was engaging men at arms to carry on the war, he refdved to provide himfelf with aa .able council* mi to oppofe t&is evil toy every means m 'his power.
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