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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 177
Aymon de Pommiers» the lord Raineval, Pierre de Villaines, furnamed le Bègue, the lord Nicholas de Ligne, grand matter of the crofs-bows, fir Odoart de Rend, fir Enguerrand de Hêdin, and full five thoufand combatants.
When they found they muttered fo jftrong* they divided themfelves into three bodies; from Which fir Bertrand took, at the moft, one thoufand fighting men; and marched for the country of Cou-tantin, towards the neighbourhood of Cherbourg, to guard the frontiers, and to prevent the Navar-rois frorù doing any mifchief to Normandy. The lord of Sancerre, the earl of Joigny, the lord Arnold d*Andreghen, and a crowd of knights and fquires from Brittany and Normandy, accompanied fir Bertrand.
Another divifion was under the command of the lord John de la Riviere ; and with him were many knights and fquires of France and Picardy, whom he fent.towards Évreux.
The duke had the largeft divifion. He went and laid fiege to the caftle of Marcheville *, which was a very ftrong fortrefs, in^ pofleflion of the Na-varrois. He ordered many machines to be brought from Chartres, by which he flung into it ftones and other things day and night, that much annoyed the garrifon.
• Marcheville,—a town in Beauce* diocefe of Chartres.
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