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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 183
On the other hand, the earl of Montbeliart, wkk feme allies from Germany, had entered the duchy of Burgundy, near Befançon, and was defpoilingit, On which account, the king of France ordered the duke of Burgundy to raife the fiege of Connie, and come to Paris ; for it was aeçeflary that he ihould go into Burgundy.
The dukef on receiving this news, was very pen-five ; for he had publicly declared, that he would never depart from Connie until he had fubjeûed k to his will. But thofe of his council made htm un-derftand, that fince the king, who had fent him thither, ordered him to return, he might very weH leave the place without difgrace. Thofe in Connie had no information whatever refpefting this : they were, therefore fummoned by the marihals to fur-render unconditionally, which they refufed. They faid, they were willing to furrender, on having their Jives and fortunes fpared. Thefe terms were them agreed upon. The dpke gave the caftle to 3, fquire of Beauce,-wJiofç name was Philip d'Arcieres, who repaired it, and garrifoned it with good and trufty men.
The duke went to Chartres, and then gave up the cornpiapd of the greater divifion of his army to the earl of Aujcerre, Boucicaut and the lord Louis de Sancerre. He fet out for Paris, taking with Mm the lord Louis d'Alençon, the lord of Beaujeu, and the lord of Vienne. He ordered the Burgundian» to march towards Burgundy as fpeedily as poffible. But the duke himfelf went to meet the king, who was at that time at Vaux la CpmtefTe in Brie. He
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