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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 221
twrae terms of homage, feaky andright*, as they held from the preceding duke of Brittany, he would wiHmgly acknowledge him for Ms liege Jbrdr -aitfl would do him homage and fervice m the pi^fepct
of die pce» df France. Mofuvtrwoa account of the affinity between hl» and Ms confia the widow of the lord Charles de Bbi% ho was wiling to du «rcry thing to alii her ; aad would alfo nfe Mp cndeavoma to obtain the liberty of -his confins, the lords John and Guy de Blois, who ware detained prifoners in England.
This aafwer was very agreeable to the French lords who had bien fent thither : a day was ap« pointed for them ' to declare their acceptance of thefe terms or not : they inftantiy font infonnation of what had paflfed to the duke of Anjou, who had retired to Angers, ta whom the king had refined the acceptance of the terms, according to his pie** ^fure.
When the duke of Anjou had confederal the pro-po&ls for fome time, he gave his aflent. The two knights who had been fent to him returned with his aafcer foaled.
The ambafladors of France again left Rennes, end went to Qnimper Corentin, when a peace with the lord of Montfort was finally agreed to and foaled.
He was to remain duke of Brittany ; but, in cafiç he fhould hare no legal heirs by marriage, the duchy fhould revert, after his decéafe, to the chil-dren of lord Charles de Blois. The lady who had been the wife of lord Charles was created countefs
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